|Review|: AmA and Artmatic Nail Lacquers

12:40 AM

Hi Beauties!

This is kind of my first blog post so wish me luck :p Anyways its about nail lacuquers. The first nail polish I am going to review is by the brand AmA. This is most probably a chinese brand.

AmA Nail polish
AmA Nail Polish

Its a light purple shade more like lilac color. Its a cheap Chinese product. I bought this for Rs. 30. I dont actually mind using these cheap products as long as they dont do any harm to me. I have used this nail color twice before and it did not turn my nails yellow and did not even chip off so I am really satisfied with it.

AmA nail polish
AmA Nail Polish

This is the effect I got after two applications. The brush applicator is a little thin but its okay with me. You can use three coats for an even better result. It dries out quickly which I find a really good feature as I change my nail color on almost daily basis and even some of the expensive quality brands sometime take time to dry out after application, so I am quite happy with this one.

The second nail lacquer I am going to review is by the brand Artmatic. The bottle says its a U.S. brand but I highly doubt it. Its probably another Chinese replica.

Artmatic nail polish in Satfire
Artmatic Nail Polish in Satfire Rose - 165

Artmatic nail color in satfire
Artmatic Nail Polish in Satfire Rose - 165

Its in Satfire Rose color and the number is 165. Its more like an orangy coral shade. I also bought this one for Rs. 30 and below is the result I got after two coats.

Coral nail color
Artmatic Nail Polish in Satfire Rose - 165

Artmatic nail color swatch
Artmatic Nail Polish in Satfire Rose - 165

This color tends to chip off quite easily so I'll prefer using a top coat for a more shining look and it will also protect the nail polish from chipping off.

Now some of you may have strong opinions against using these cheap products that is fine but I am okay with using them. I have used them and as such and I did not find any particular con in these products so I am reffering you to give them a try as well but its entirely upon you people to decide. These products may not be easily available in all areas. I purchased it from a local Lahore market.

I hope this review was helpful for you ladies and I plan to improve with the passage of time so bear with me for now :p Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. nice .your writing was mature even back then.thumbs up


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