
Copy CATS!!!!!

2:57 PM

Hi Beauties!

Before I begin I would like to apologize if somebody finds the content of this post offensive but I cannot help it, I am hurt and angry. It has happened many times before and I have read posts of many bloggers complaining that their posts were copied by other bloggers and their pictures stolen. I used to sympathize with them but since this has happened to me lately, now I truly understand how it feels.

People do you realize how much effort, creativity and time we put into writing a blog post? It requires brains and energy. It does not come on its own if that had been the case, people would not be copying other people's post. Before today I never used to add a watermark to my pictures but now I have decided to do so since I have also become a victim of plagiarism.

You must be aware of the on going contest of Luscious cosmetics where you tag Luscious in the status and win goodies. Well it has come to my notice that Sara Gulzaib from the blog Makeup craves has used my picture of Luscious perfect brows kit from a haul post of mine. You can check out Luscious Cosmetics page if you want to.

This has happened several times before as well with other bloggers. Therefore I would request Pakistani Blogger community to ban Makeup Craves from the community as it is a disrespect to a blogger. An example should be set so that it does not happen again in the future.

This is all I have to say I hope you will support me in my cause. I did not intend to name and shame but this is too much, it is time to take serious steps against such malpractices.

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  1. Can you please share both the links of your post and the image that was stolen?

  2. Well I never appreciate such acts but yeah, you should share the links.

  3. She has deleted the photo and also apologized claiming that she took it from google but then again the photo could have been taken from Luscious website as well.

  4. i think this girl from makeup crave had copied some material from jeeya's blog as well http://de-jeeya.blogspot.com as well...you can check out her blog post about makeup craves...she also deleted the the post but now copied yours...it means she is not really apologetic.

  5. To be honest i am at fence about these giveaways. Since Pakistani companies are least supportive when we email them about a copied photos. I find it highly disturbing when a blogger do this. I least expect from them . I do watermark my photos but we cant stop them from stealing. my photo was being used on luscious competition as well. And they chose that girl a winner. I emailed luscious team. BUt i doubt they will do anything. I dont stop girls from taking photos but atleast mention that you took for a reference and not claim it yours.

  6. Yeah Sarah Luscious also chose Sara Gullzaib as winner of the contest and to be honest at that time i felt stupid for even complaining. It felt like my complain has been thrown in my face. And yes ur right about water marking. the water marks can easily be cropped corners.

  7. sarah gulzaib is the most unethical girl in blogging! ive always seen her begging on company pages and yeh i saw the stolen pic too! she also stole from jeeyas blog and i saw the stolen post myself! i think it was related to some shimmer product from just gold!
    i think pakistani companies support such girls. look at mascara mafia and rimmel londons pakistan page! the girl have put stolen pics and still they r named winners!

  8. i have a suggestion. if some girl does this stuff instead of telling her again and again..boycott her from the pakistani blogging community!

  9. Sara gullzaib is a bull shit! a disaster and a cheater. she sellscosmetics, gets money but never dispatch the product!! HAte her! ban her!

  10. i wonder y no bdy is doing anything about it. the least we can do is report her page


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