
Propaganda Pakistan

11:23 PM

Hi Beauties!

Guess what? I discovered something new and I could't wait to share it with you girls. Although it isn't beauty related but nonetheless its worthy of blogging. I went to Vouge Towers so that I could grab some pumps I have been seeking at Haroon's but unfortunately they are now out of stock on their every outlet :( Since I was there, I decided to take a look around and see whats new. Just as I was about to leave, I discovered a new store. Although it isnt as new, its been there for almost like a year but I discovered it recently. It goes by the name of Propaganda Pakistan

Shopping bag from Propaganda
I believe originally the brand is from Thailand but a former NCA student has started their setup here as well. What I liked about the brand is, I found so many casual daily to use items there with such creative designs one could barely imagine. I wish I had my camera with me I would taken shots of the shop and the items there just to share with you guys. Let me give you an idea of the items in words. I saw money clippers, lamps, door stoppers, book marks, note pads, mugs and alot more with such new edge to them. You have to visit the shop or their Facebook page to understand what I am blabbering.  

Money clip and Mr. P Fly fighte mug from Propaganda
 I wanted to buy so many items but due to short funds I ended up buying only two items. One is a money clip and the other is a mug for my office use, as I have been constantly nagged in the office for not owning my own mug, I now own a very unique mug to the envy of many ;)

"Stolen" money clip from Propaganda

"Stolen" money clip from Propaganda
"Stolen" money clip from Propaganda

Its a plastic money clip with the words "stolen" written on top. The plastic seems strong enough but I am a little disappointed with the finishing of the product around the edges but it is unnoticeable.

Mr. P Fly fighter mug

Mr. P Fly fighter mug

Mr. P Fly fighter mug

Mr. P Fly fighter mug

Mr. P Fly fighter mug

Mr. P Fly fighter mug
When it came to the mug there were many options to choose from with so many different gtaffiti but what I liked the most was the fly killer one as it perfectly depicts killing flies to kill time in the office :p The mug is of good quality, quite sturdy and has weight but surely it won't be withstanding a fall. 

The money clip is priced at Rs. 550 while the mug is for Rs. 900. I found the products quite expensive. I mean a mug for Rs. 900 is a little steep but spending for something that outstands justifies it. To sum it up, Propaganda is a great concept and I totally loved it. 

Hope you liked my new purchases. Make sure to check out the Propaganda outlet whenever you can. You'll surely love it. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. I visited Vogue Towers recently for the first time, and literally went WOAH! with the Propaganda outlet :D Too bad there were two siblings throwing a tantrum inside and their Mom breaking them off that I didn't actually enter the shop. The stuff seemed really unique though. Will be going there ASAP! :)

    Love the mug! :D

  2. The price is just too outrageous. I wont spend 900 on a mug no matter what :)

  3. will def check it out.thx for sharing.


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