
|Review|: The Body Shop Colourings

4:00 PM

Hi Beauties!

I am not sure how many of you might have heard about the Body Shop's colourings, I have not seen them at Body Shop outlets, neither I have been able to find many reviews about them over the internet. The pencil I am about to review was given to me as a gift from US by my aunt along with some other items. I have read a few reviews on colourings on some Indian blogs but they were lip colourings as opposed to the eye colouring I have. The product I am reviewing is an eye crayon which can be used as an eye shadow as well as an eye liner. 

The Body Shop colourings shadow lustre crayon in #05 - Midnight pearl
So the eye colouring comes in the form of a wooden pencil of medium size with Clinique chubby stick like thickness. As opposed to a normal pencil its thick and has a bigger bullet of color for easier application and shading. The pencil is lidded with a transparent cap which is breakable. You need to sharpen the pencil with a wide sharpener to get that perky pointy look for the tip. I have it in the share #05 - midnight pearl which is a silvery light blue shade. 

The Body Shop colourings shadow lustre crayon in #05 - Midnight pearl
Personally, I liked the outlook of the pencil which has lead like color and the original wooden pencil both visible. It was the outlook of this pencil that made an initial impression on me. 

The Body Shop colourings shadow lustre crayon in #05 - Midnight pearl

The Body Shop colourings shadow lustre crayon in #05 - Midnight pearl
I tried using this crayon as an eye shadow and as an eye liner, both. I found it much easier to use as an eye shadow crayon reason being, its a little hard to apply. The pigment is hard to work with, you literally have to rub hard to get color over your eyes. Its like a matte lipstick that needs vigorous rubbing to get some color and by the end you end up getting little color and swollen lips. Same is the case with this eye pencil, I literally had to rub it furiously to get color all over my lids and by the time I was done, my lids were hurting. I can not imaging to think of applying it as an eye liner. I applied it on my lower lash line just to get a very little color. If only the colored lead of this pencil was a little softer, it would have worked out as a great eye pencil but unfortunately that is not the case. 






Not really!

Hope you liked my review. Drop in your comments for your feedback on my post. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care! XOXO

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  2. never seen this at the stores!



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