
|Haul|: April Haul Post

9:18 PM

Hi Beauties!

Did anyone notice I had not posted much about my hauls recently? I love shopping and then doing haul posts and equally enjoy reading haul posts. One gets to know so much about other people's choices and new products. It also means spending more money and regretting later at times. Most of the items in this haul were purchased separately from time to time. I have combined them into a single haul post. Here goes... 

Red & Black all matte invisible pore primer, Red & Black moisture rich foundation, Sweet Touch Glam n shine, Urban Decay naked basics
I love wearing Kajal in the water line of my eyes and you will never see me without any. So when I saw the new Loreal Kajal Magique I could not resist buying it. I purchased it from Victoria Departmental Store for Rs. 650. 

Loreal Kajal Magique in Supreme Black
I am a crazy die hard fan of Lakme eyeconic kajal. I have been using the black one religiously, eyeing the availability of white one (advert starred by Kareen Kapoor) and purchased one in blue. This has also been purchased from Victoria Departmental Store for Rs. 690. 

Lakme eyeconinc in Blue
I am a big fan of shimmery blushes and terracota blush ons these days. I love layering the shimmery ones with plain ones. They look so lovely in the sunlight. I bought this terracota Sweet touch blush on from Al Fatah for Rs. 870.  

Sweet Touch Glan n Shine terracota blush on
What I hate the most is shopkeepers lieing to a customer's face. To me its like mocking me on my face and considering me stupid and a fool. The Urban decay basics palette you see below is fake and a replica. I checked Urban Decay's website, there is no such basics palette with such shades. If any of you know about it please let me know so that I can find my peace. I purchased it from Roop Singhar for Rs. 2250. The shades have excellent pigmentation. I liked the palette due to its small size and would have bought it even if the shopkeeper had told me thats its a replica, the thing is he need not had lied. 

Urban Decay naked basics
First time I got to see and try Red & Black pro cosmetics was at RIOS Y block outlet and I was taken by its performance. The brand is rather new and unknown but it has some great potential. The first thing I purchased from this brand was this moisture rich foundation which led to the purchase of few other Red & Black items. The foundation is priced at Rs. 1230. 

Red & Black moisture rich foundation
I swatched the Red & Black primer just passing by and when I saw its performance I knew I had to buy it. Wow, I  was so impressed by it. Review will be followed soon. The primer is priced at Rs. 1430, a bit expensive but worth the splurge. 

Red & Black all matte invisible pore primer

Clear anti dandruff shampoo
The first time I saw this blush I loved it and immediately placed an order with Beauty Arena fearing it would run out of stock like it mostly happens with Essence's limited edition blushes. It had not even hit the stores when  I ordered it online. The vintage blush is priced at Rs. 510 only. 

Essence Vintage District blush
Okay, firstly no such thing as Colossal kajal water based pen exists by Maybelline. I googled and googled but could not find anything of this sort. When I purchased it I knew its a replica item but I wanted to buy it because I purchased something similar before and it gave out excellent performance. Before I run out of it, I purchased another water based pen. Its priced at Rs. 360 and I purchased it from a local departmental store.

Maybelline Colossal Kajal water based pen
Nail lacquer by Stage line was just a random purchase. Its priced at Rs. 345 and I bought it from Raja Sahib. You can easily locate it at all Stage Line kiosks. 

Stage Line nail lacquer
I was very impressed with the performance of Red & Black's foundation and primer which made me think that why not purchase a powder of theirs as well to complete the ritual. I cursed myself for not listening to the sales woman and not buying face powder when I purchased the foundation. DHA is very far away from my place and RIOS Hyperstar outlet has no Red & Black variety. Since Al Fatah stocks it as well, I went to the Liberty outlet and got myself this dual finish face powder for Rs. 960. The condition of the mirror was a shock to me.  

Red & Black velvet dual finish powder
Thanks to my colleague who had been forcing me to buy a sun block. I have not had good experiences with sun blocks in the past and completely stopped using them. But she insisted me to get one since I drive and now also getting my laser treatments done. Since I could not find Spectraban, I opted for Loreal solar expertise that has 50+ SPF. Its priced at Rs. 545 and I purchased it from Al Fatah. 

Loreal Solar expertise sun block
I don't know why I am buying bronzers since I already possess a few plus bronzers make me look tan. I can only carry them off with very heavy foundation application. I love the sun kissed look but I guess with the extreme weather we have in Summers, it makes me look more like sun burnt instead of sun kissed. Nonetheless I bought Flormar's bronzer just because it looked pretty. Its priced at Rs. 1125, mighty expensive I would say even if the quantity is quite a much. 

Flormar Bronzing powder
Since the moment I have laid my eyes upon Kareena Kapoor's perfect white kajal by Lakme, I have gone crazy and looking for it. Since its not available in Pakistan as yet, I have substituted Lakme by Essence. The pencil is very reasonably priced at Rs. 180 and is available at all Essence kiosks. I got mine from Raja Sahib Link Road outlet. 

Essence kajal pencil in white
That is it for my random buying from here and there. Hope you liked my haul post. Drop in your comments to share your feedback with me. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care! XOXO

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  1. Nice picks....Love your choice....xoxoxo....^_^

  2. Nice stuff you got there! Just wondering isnt the urban decay fake one too pricey? also heard horror stories about their ingredients so do be careful :-)

  3. wowww what a pretty haul :) Roop singhar guys are super thieves on earth don't buy from them.

  4. great haul..Enjoyed it!Lately I tried a couple of Stage nail colors and believe me they were priced at 500!

  5. lovely post and nice picks .. i really like this version of UD Palette !!

  6. wow all items are amazing.. i am so thrilled to see the primer i will really wait for the review :)

  7. the Red and Black products look really nice! Waiting for your thoughts on them :)

  8. Such an awesome haul! I also got the Essence blush. Isn't it super adorable? ;) xx

  9. hey, where exactly did you get the red&black cosmetics pore filler primer?


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