
w7's Beauty Blogger's Meetup

9:10 PM

Hi Beauties!

If you have been following my blog, you would know, I mentioned about the official launch of W7 in Pakistan. The brand has officially made its way to Pakistan. I am beginning to like UK brands more and more, they are at least reaching our markets unlike many American ones. This past Friday, the W7 team arranged a meetup for the beauty bloggers of Lahore to acquaint them with the brand and its products. Below are a few moments I captured of the meet up. Hope you will enjoy the post and drool over the products liked we did ;)

w7 products
W7 is one brand that has a huge variety of products. Imagine a product, and they have it. The items in the pictures are just 40% of their total variety. There are more yummy products to come soon.

Look at the makeup palettes. From nudes, to blues and smokey shades, w7 has it all. 

Makeup palettes
Look at the mascara variety. I spot 9 different mascaras in the picture below and 5 different types of concealers. 

Mascaras, concealers
These are just a few variants of foundations in the w7 range. There are more to come. One can find foundation suitable for all skin types, be it a dry skin, oily skin or sensitive skin. From dewy to matte finish, w7 has it all. 

Foundations and primers
I an going through a beauty blender craze these days. I have collected almost 5 to 6 different types of blenders of different brands, all because of the 1 blender I got from w7. I am using the pink one these days and I really like it. Look at the different shapes and colors they have. I wanna eat them literally. 

Makeup blenders
These mega matte lips remind me of NYX matte lip creams. The texture and color pay off is the exact same as NYX. 

w7 Mgea matte lips

w7 makeup brushes

w7 brow stencils

w7 bronzer and concealers

w7 double act

w7 brow parlour

I simply have to get this brush, no matter what.

Swatches of w7 mega matte lips

Goodie bags

Goodie bags

Fried fish



Club sandwiches

Fried prawns

Lahore beauty bloggers with the CEO of Beautified.pk and brand manager of Beautified.pk (on left)
I do not have words to describe my experience at this meet up. It was such a fun filled event. The event was arranged at the Brand manager's house and the arrangement was done personally which added all the more affection to the event. The cozy home environment and hospitality of the hosts made a place in my heart. The luxurious and extravagant food which included prawns, fried fish, sandwiches, pizza, pasta and desert was a cherry on top. I know usually people hire PR companies to make arrangements for launch parties and blogger meetups but the fact that everything was arranged by these people themselves made the event extra special to me. Personally, I think, they out did themselves. Designing goodie bags and setting up the testing products in a catchy manner depicted the efforts these people put in. We bloggers had a lot of fun getting to try so many products at the same time, swatching them, taking pictures and chirping like birds the whole time. 

W7 products are available online at the most affordable rates on Beautifed.pk. Soon you shall see them on the counters of different stores, so start saving. You don't want to miss w7 items, trust me. 

Now to reveal the little treasure I received in my goodie bag

Items of my goodie bag
Hope you had fun reading my post, as much as I had jotting it down and reliving the experience. Drop by your comments in the comments section to share your views with me. Stay healthy and beautiful. xoxo!!!

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  1. What lovely pictures ....Great post. <3

    Minsa Hassan from Fashion Blitz

  2. Wow this looks amazing! Hope you guys had fun <3

    Ps: I had my eye on this bronzer:p

  3. Review on Honolulu please , need to know how well does it perform as a contouring powder and its staying power! Loved reading your post as usual xx

  4. Such a lovely day it must be.. I am still in denial that I missed it :( awaiting reviews shinaya

  5. Loving the packaging of the Brow Parlour and beauty blenders are so cute and colorful ! :)

  6. wow so many products and looks like a fun day:)


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