
|Review|: Jo's Organic Beauty Whitening Soap

10:55 AM

Hi Beauties!

Few days back, I shared a post showing what I received from Jo's Organic Beauty to try (see post here). Since its been a month of using these products, today I shall be sharing my experience with Jo's whitening soaps.

Jo's Organic Beauty

Here is what Jo has to say about its soaps:

"A perfect pair whitening and rejuvenating glycerin soap. Treat yourself to luxurious natural handmade soaps, will make double benefit from two special properties in one pack."

Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap

The soaps come in a twin pack of thin plastic tray. There is nothing special about the packaging. The soaps are set in a thin transparent plastic tray and each soap is wrapped in a transparent cling wrap. 

Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap - back
Texture and appearance:

The soap is oval shaped and medium sized. The soap appears to be black in color but in real its a very concentrated brown color. Upon lathering you shall see the brown lather. The white color on the soap is actually a herbal powder to prevent the cling film sticking to the soap. For initial 2-3 uses, the soap might not lather well but afterwards, it lathers like any other regular soap. 

Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap
My Experience:

Honestly, I am someone who has never believed in the restoring properties of soaps. For this, I shall lay the blame on the soap advertisements which are highly exaggerated, claiming to leave the skin soft, smooth, lighten skin tone, kill pimples and what not. Moreover the men fawning over the lady after she has used the soap is another buzz kill for me probably because that has never happened to me and I am distraught over it :D :D My colleague brought a lot of facial soaps with her on her way back from Thailand, which, she claims, worked for her. I, on the other hand, was still skeptical about soaps and their high and might claims. However, recently my views have changed quite a bit. 

I was sent Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap to try. My initial thoughts were, what difference can a soap make to my skin when all I have to do is rub it a little and wash it off immediately, within 30-45 seconds. When I started using this soap, I was going through some serious skin issues due to the use of an expired product which I was not aware of. I used to feel constant itching on my face and there were small rashes on my cheek area as well. The day I started using this soap, my itching stopped instantly. The rashes on my skin took some time to disappear but the soap certainly helped speeding the process. My skin felt calmed and satisfied. The soap does not leave my skin over dry, but the right kind of dry with a non greasy effect. If anything it surely has affected my skin tone in a positive way. The difference might not be very noticeable or clear but I do feel a certain difference on my skin. The only turn off so far for me has been the fragrance of the soap. Its a little off putting for my taste. Other than that, the soap delivers. 

Before using Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap
After using Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap
To be honest, in the picture above my facial hair are bleached but still the difference in the skin color is quite noticeable. Also observe how much the spots have lightened. There are there but their appearance is much lighter compared to before using the soap. I'd say, let the pictures speak for themselves what this soap has done to my skin. 

  • Easy to lather
  • Leaves skin smooth and soft
  • Not harsh on the skin
  • Works great for dry to combination skin
  • Non greasy
  • Off putting smell





You can buy Jo's organic products from their Facebook store by clicking this link


Definite yes

Hope you liked my review on Jo's whitening and rejuvenating soap. Have you tried Jo's products? How has been your experience? Share your reviews with me by dropping your comments on my blog. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. looks yummy Idk y i feel like eating the soap :D
    oh & awesome review dear xx

  2. Whoa! That seems legit :-) I'd be trying Jo's items now :)

  3. I always trust organic products.. This soap looks great and I love ur skin :)


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