
|Review|: From Dandruff to NO Dandruff

8:35 PM

Hi Beauties!

It seems I have been away from blogging for real long. I keep on having this writer's block from time to time and also I am guilty of juggling my work and blog at the same time, which usually results in my blog being neglected. Since I am out of work for now and have nothing much to occupy me with, I am hoping to be much regular with blogging. Today's post is about my horrendous experience with awful dandruff I got suddenly this past Winter season and how managed to get rid of it eventually. If you suffer from dandruff issues as well then my post might be savior for you. Keep reading!!!

The Body Shop anti dandruff shampoo in Ginger
I have a dry to combination skin, leaning more towards the drier side but the thing about combination skin is, it has a mood of its own and you never know when it throws a tantrum and drives you crazy. I have always had dandruff issues due to dry scalp especially during the Winter seasons but I always managed to control it. Oiling my hair on regular basis helps me a lot in keeping my hair and scalp in check along with lengthening and strength. This past Winter, I had the worst time with my hair. The dandruff was multiplying like rabbits and I could not control it along with the constant itching and blisters due to the crazy itching. I tried like a gazillion oils to fix dandruff, since oils have been most effective in the past for me. However, everything failed me this time. I even changed my shampoo which ended up giving me even more dandruff than before. Finally, I read somewhere on Facebook that Body shop's ginger shampoo is very effective for dandruff control. My last shot was to give it a try.   

The Body Shop anti dandruff shampoo in Ginger
Although I find it fascinating to believe, but its true. My dandruff began clearing after 3 to 4 washes and I could feel a difference. It did not clear out the dandruff miraculously in few washes but yes, I started feeling a huge difference after a few washes and could feel the dandruff receding. The ingredients of ginger shampoo had a very positive effect on my scalp and hair, leaving no dandruff after one month. 


The Body Shop's ginger anti dandruff shampoo comes in 2 sizes. One is the 250 ml bottle and the other one which I have is the 400 ml plastic bottle. The bottle is wide in diameter but otherwise short in length. 


Unfortunately, I forgot to take swatch snaps of the shampoo so I can only explain with my words that the shampoo has a slight runny consistency and is transparent ginger colored with a ginger like smell. 

The Body Shop anti dandruff shampoo in Ginger
Using the shampoo is real simple. Just wet your hair, take some amount of shampoo, rub it on your scalp and hair and rinse with water. The shampoo lathers well which makes it convenient for me to use, since I prefer shampoos that lather easily. However, upon rinsing, it leaves my hair dry and tangled. A conditioner is a must for me after using this shampoo to give them shine, smoothness and bounce. Other than that, I did not feel any short comings with this shampoo. In fact, it is the mildest shampoo I have ever used after Johnson's baby shampoo off course. I can feel the lack of strong harmful chemicals in it and it cured my dandruff with no damage to my hair. Ginger like fragrance might be an issue with some people, I am however okay with the smell. I also felt an improvement in my hair fall. I hope Body shop would come up with a ginger conditioner for it as well or something that serves as a conditioner after using this shampoo. 






         Rs. 1595. Prices may vary from store to store and also for the original Body Shop franchise. 


Ginger shampoo can be found easily at large super stores. I have seen it at Al-fatah, Enem. I purchased mine from Roop Singhar. Its also available online at Saloni.pk


If you have out of control dandruff and an itchy scalp then this is the shampoo for you. I would love to use it again in Winters to keep the dandruff at bay. 

Hope the review was helpful. Stay healthy and beautiful. xoxo!!!

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  1. I have been using this for the past three years. LOVE IT!


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