|Book Review|: Love story with murders
2:13 PM
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Title: Love story, with murders
Genre: Mystery, Crime, Thriller, Organized Crime, Fiction
No of books so far: 3
Series: Fiona Griffiths
Book order: 2
Author: Harry Bingham
Title: Love story, with murders
Genre: Mystery, Crime, Thriller, Organized Crime, Fiction
No of books so far: 3
Series: Fiona Griffiths
Book order: 2
Author: Harry Bingham
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Love story, with murders by Harry Bingham |
The second novel featuring recovering psychotic DC Fiona Griffiths opens with as intriguing a pair of murders as you could imagine. Firstly, part of a human leg is discovered in a woman's freezer, bagged up like a joint of pork. Other similarly gruesome discoveries follow throughout a cosy Cardiff suburb, with body parts turning up in kitchens, garages and potting sheds. And while the police are still literally putting the pieces together, concluding that they all belong to a teenage girl killed some ten years earlier, parts of another body suddenly start appearing, but this time discarded carelessly around the countryside clearly very shortly after the victim - a man - was killed.
Mysteries don't come much more macabre or puzzling than this. Who were the two victims, and what connection could they have shared that would result in this bizarre double-discovery?
But that's only half the story. The most gruesome moments are much more about Fiona and her curious mental state. There is a complex and very clever double mystery here, and what makes the story unique is the parallel unraveling of Fiona's own mystery, and it's her voice, established precisely in the first book but given even freer rein here, that makes it so compelling.
My Thoughts:
I purchased Love story with murders from the Big Bad Wolf Books exhibition in Lahore, held at the start of this year. The exhibition had very little books variety and gave me the impression as if it only had left over, unsold or infamous books no one was willing to buy. None of the well known, fame claimed books were available. Out of my curiosity and interesting plot, I picked this book without realizing its second book in the series. Good part is, it can also be read as a stand alone book. Since the story turned out to be interesting, I really wish I had read the first part earlier or bought it at that time if it was available. Nothing beats the feeling of holding a book in hand to read.
The book starts off with a bunch of movers discovering the remains of a human body in an old lady's house who has recently passed away. The police officer called on scene is, Fiona Griffiths, the lead in the group and a quirky, psychotic character. Fiona is an excellent cop with exceptional intuitive instincts that keep her ahead of the game and often lead to catching criminals before others can even think. Her powers of deduction reminded me of Sherlock Holmes at two three instances, made me question if a psychotic person can have such sharp analytical skills. But then again, Sherlock Holmes also was not considered normal. Fiona was discovered by her adoptive father at a very young age. Fiona suffers from Cotard's syndrome which is a psychological condition where a person believes himself to be dead. In severe cases people hallucinate as well and see maggots and rotting flesh on their bodies. Fiona has undergone extensive therapy for her condition and has been dealing with it rather nicely now for quite some time. Despite having some control over her condition, Fiona often seems to disconnect herself from reality and can not rely on her innate responses. She has to analyze and respond in a socially acceptable manner on minute happenings in her everyday life. The lengths to which the author has gone to build and explain Fiona's character and her everyday life is what sets this book apart for me. I did not find it to be run of the mill sort of book, it gets dark when the author dives into Fiona's mind.
Coming back to the scene of murder, Fiona takes one look at the severed leg found in the freezer of old woman's garage and develops and instant inkling towards the dead owner of the leg. DNA results conclude the leg belonging to a young college student, Mary Jane Langton who disappeared 5 years ago in 2005. Search into the areas surrounding the garage reveals several other body parts of another individual - male, university lecturer name Ali-el-Khalifi. He was not even reported missing despite his absence from university for a few days. The police now has two mutilated bodies, murdered in the same manner but five years apart. Who is the murderer? Where they murdered by the same person or is there a copy cat killer? Are two murders connected or is it just a coincidence? The suspect list goes to nearly 300 with no theory and zero leads and chances of solving the case look pretty grim.
Investigation lead, DI Rhiannon Watkins is the youngest female detective inspector at South Wales CID. Bingham has done an exceptional job at painting a very clear picture of Watkin's character and has sprinkled a dash of humor around Fiona's life by explaining these characters with razor sharp precision. Fiona's boyfriend also happens to be a copper and their lives together seem very interesting when Bingham dives into Fiona's brain to explain what the relationship is like to Fiona. Watkins seems to be the only person trusting Fiona's instincts and allows her to continue investigating from different angles at the same time. I would say that the storyline may seem a bit complicated with too many plot twists, too many villains' and infinite possibilities. However, the book managed to keep my interest alive to a point where I became agitated to know what exactly is going on? Bingham cramped a lot happening into one book and one might find it a bit too much but then again, this is how complex the real world is.
I absolutely enjoyed reading this book and would love to read the first and third part as well. For me, its not the plot that attracts me to the series, rather its Fi's character I find intriguing.
As I mentioned earlier, I purchased this book from Big Bad Wolf's book expo for Rs. 595 and I am unable to find other installments at other book stores in Pakistan. If any one happens to come across the series, let me know where to buy it from.
Hope you liked the review. Stay happy and beautiful. xoxo!!!