|Slices of Life|: From Festive Feasts to Frustrating Itch

5:32 PM

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of activity! The last part of Ramadan was dedicated to hosting memorable Iftar gatherings. Sohail and I invited our former colleagues, now dear friends, for a lavish Iftar filled with laughter, catching up, and the joyful chaos of kids playing. 

The weekend before Eid, we hosted another grand Iftar for my cousins visiting from the UK. It was a heartwarming experience to finally meet them after so long. The evening concluded with gift exchanges and the excitement of receiving early Eid money from our elders. The next day, however, was spent tackling the mountain of dishes – a familiar post-party scene! 

Sanctuary spa set
Sanctuary Spa set

Soap and Glory Bathing Grace pamper set

With a few Eid shopping items remaining, Sohail and I ventured out on Tuesday. We picked up our custom-stitched Eid dresses from the tailor, grabbed an extra pair of white shalwar for Wali (knowing how quickly they get stained!), and delivered Eid money to Sohail's sister (a cherished Pakistani tradition). By the time we arrived, Eid was unexpectedly announced! While I secretly wished for a later date (to get my long-awaited manicure and henna), it was nevertheless a joyous occasion. 

Eid itself started a little slower than usual due to Sohail experiencing some kidney pain. Thankfully, medication eased his discomfort. After a midday prep, we visited Sohail's relatives, followed by a quick stop at my parents' place to showcase our Eid outfits. The day ended with a visit back home, some much-needed rest, and...well, let's just say I slept quite late! 

Eid Look

The second day of Eid was dedicated to my family. We enjoyed a delightful Eid dinner at the same cousin's place where we previously hosted the Iftar. The festivities continued until midnight! Finally, the third day saw Sohail's sisters gracing our home for a delicious BBQ and pizza party – everything homemade, of course. 

Overall, it was a joyous and celebratory Eid (Alhamdulillah!). However, my health has taken a turn for the worse. I'm experiencing severe itching all over, and while my blood tests seem normal, the bite marks suggest a possible bed bug infestation.  Sohail, thankfully unaffected, doesn't quite share my concern. Currently, I'm using tea tree oil, Bio-oil, and Fucidin cream to manage the itch. With my OBGYN on leave and the Eid holidays recently concluded, getting a proper diagnosis feels like an eternity. 

TRIGGER WARNING!!! (Gross itchy bumps picture below) 

Are these bed bug bite marks? 

Prayers for getting rid of this issue will be appreciated. I hope you all had a lovely, joyous Eid full of happiness, surrounded by your loved ones!!! 

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