Blessings, Bumps and Busy Bees

2:00 PM

Just checking in with another update! Work has been a dream come true, Alhamdulillah.  After that rough patch, it feels like a miracle – a constant reminder to be grateful for Allah's blessings.  The experience actually brought me closer to my faith, and I'm so thankful for the prayers that led me here.  I've even been more consistent with my prayers and tasbeehats lately.

Speaking of blessings, I'm now eight months pregnant!  It's definitely getting challenging physically. The weight, swelling, and of course, the little one taking up more space, all limit my movement. Sleepless nights are becoming more frequent too.  I haven't been as good with my medications this time around, and I know I'll pay for it postpartum.

Pregnancy laziness is real, you guys! Even simple tasks like cleansing my face before bed feel like a huge undertaking. Skincare? Non-existent at the moment.  The breakouts are definitely a sign, and I'm trying to get back on track now. In the picture below, I am in my full unkept glory. Undyed hair with visible greys and bleached hair, skin breaking out and a face that needs derma planning. 

On a brighter note, I'm absolutely loving the Ramadan work hours!  The 9 to 4 schedule is amazing, and I truly wish it were the norm.  Those extra two hours in the evening make a huge difference for family and social life. Starting work at the usual time but returning home max by 5 as opposed to 7 pm makes the day feel so much shorter compared to the usual 9 to 6 grind. It takes getting used to the normal timings after Eid, always! While I can't fast because of the pregnancy, I'm focusing on staying consistent with my prayers and Quran recitation.

The past week was a shopping whirlwind for Eid! I found some great deals for Wali at the Minnie Minors outlet, grabbed some fabric for Sohail, and even scored some formal pants and shoes for him on sale at Logo.  He's all set for the festivities.  Sohail and I got some gifts for our families too, but I'm still on the hunt for my own Eid outfit.  The prices are a little shocking this year, and honestly, the thought of spending so much on one dress is holding me back. Here are a couple of outfits I liked but I am still undecided due to prices. 

The weekend was spent tackling the seasonal clothing switch – a familiar struggle for many of us!  My room is a disaster zone right now, and with Ramadan keeping me busy, it might take a few more days to get everything organized.  Pregnancy definitely slows things down!

That's all for this week's update. Hope you're all doing well. Stay healthy and beautiful. xoxo!!! 

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