
Mini Haul

8:06 PM

Hi Beauties!

Although I had promised myself that I would not spend a single penny this month and not shop at all. But it seems I could not fulfill my promise at all. Not did I only shop infact I shopped way too much. I had to, since its my cousin's wedding in a few days and I had to get myself new clothes and jewellery and what not. I'll share every item with you as time comes, for now lets see what I purchased in my mini haul. 

Tresemme shampoo for weak brittle hair, Tresemme conditioner for dry hair, Boujois python top coat, Essence peel off base coat

I had no intention of buying this shampoo and conditioner but the promotional price was way too much for me to let them go. The 900 ml each bottle was just priced for Rs. 595. Can you believe it, 900 ml of shampoo and just for Rs. 595? How could I have let them go? These are going to last me for months. And guess what? These are NOT fake at all. Moreover I got a 7% discount as well so both of these cost me Rs. 1100. I got them from RIOS located on 1st floor of Hyperstar. 

Tresemme shampoo for weak,brittle hair and Tresemme conditioner for dry hair
The shampoo is an anti hair fall shampoo best suited for weak and brittle hair. Since I have a dry scalp and have hair fall issues from time to time due to my crappy eating habits I think it would suit me best. The conditioner is for dry, frizzy hair. I do not have frizzy hair but I surely have dry hair. Expecting high from the brand now....

Tresemme shampoo for weak,brittle hair and Tresemme conditioner for dry hair

Next purchase, I would name it as a temptation buying, something I did not plan to buy but was tempted to. How? I saw a review done by Sara Hassan on her blog, She reviewed and photographed it so beautifully that when I saw this python top coat at the counter it reminded me of her photographs and I had to buy it. I do not regret buying it at all. Its the most beautiful snake skin top coat I have ever seen. Review is soon to arrive on the blog after this blog post. So keep your eyes fixed on the blog. This top coat is priced at Rs. 600 and I got this from Hyperstar as well. It seems to me the prices for this product vary from store to store like I recently read on Sparkling's blog that its available for Rs. 720 at Al-Fatah :o 

Bourjois Top coat in Python

Bourjois Top coat in Python

Lastly in my haul was a base coat by Essence. its a peel off base coat which means you apply it before applying a nail color and when you need to remove the nail polish simply peel if off without a nail polish remover. This, I purchased from Raja Sahib Liberty outlet for Rs. 320. Recently the prices of essence products have been changed due to rise in $ exchange rate. Lets see how the new prices affect us. I got this before the new prices were announced so I am not sure whats the new price for this. 

Essence peel off base coat

Essence peel off base coat

Hope you guys liked my mini haul. Drop in your comments and share your views with me. Your lovely comments make my day. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. I spotted these sham,poos at AL-Fatah Islambad same price will get one soon, do share the result and does the base coat works the same? yaar bourjois ki prices vary every store, amazed u got it for 600 from hyperstar...will get it from there:) good haul and loving ur picks:) share shampoo and conditioner review soon plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  2. Tresemme make great hair products! :)

  3. Is the promotion still going on?i will check.great haul.love it.finally u got to shop :-)

  4. Great picks, i like the essence base coat. It'll make nail polish removing hassle free! xx

  5. I so need to hoard on TRESemme! Nice haul.

  6. peel of nail paint i think i must try one

  7. Tresemme shampoo is available in hyperstar lahore? and under which shop?


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