
Liebester Blog Award

2:25 PM

Hi Beauties!

I recently got nominated for Liebester Blog award by Samra's Beauty Blog and I am very happy and obliged to her for the nomination. 

Lets proceed with the rules associated with the award. Firstly I must share 11 things about myself. 

1. I confess I am a shopaholic. It gets me into trouble by the middle of the month :(
2. I am out spoken. I find it hard to hold back my tongue. 
3. Its my dream to do some welfare work for the oppressed females of our society. 
4. I have 3 OCDs (Obsessive Compulsive disorder).
5. Its really hard for me to get over people and forget them.
6. I love wild life.
7. I am drawn to guns and weapons. 
8. I never step out without putting on an eye liner. 
9. I dislike snobs.
10. I like slasher and goth movies. 
11. I am naughty. 

Next is to answer 11 question the tagger has given me. So here goes :) 

1. Why did you start blogging? Where did your blog name come from?

I stumbled upon Sara Hassan's blog and Glocissious Blog and Boom happened in my brain. Their blogs were a muse and I instantly developed a crazy obsession for blogging and makeup. As for the name of my blog I don't how it popped into my head. Now that I think of it, I think I could have come up with a better name :p 

2. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Karan Singh Grover's character Dr. Arman Malik from Dill Mill Gayye.

3. Which dress size are you right now?

I am size 8 and wish to stay so.

4. What drink do you order at a restaurant? 

Mint Margarita

5. If you could be on any reality show, which one would it be?

Big Boss

6. Which is the best vacation you have ever been on and why?

Can't say anything yet.

7. What is your current favorite make up foundation?

Clinique (something) everyday foundation.

8. How do you unwind?

Reading a book, watching a movie and eating chocolates.

9. Which shade and brand of lipstick are you wearing right now?

I am wearing a lipstick by Soap and Glory but can't seem to recall the shade.

10. What is the worst product you have ever used?

Black eye liner by Femina

11. Who/What inspires you?

Don't know

Rule number 3 states that I need to tag 11 fellow bloggers who have under 200 GFC followers and they must be informed through comment on their blogs.

1. Sparkling Sparkle Blog
2. Ayesha's Blog
3. Nayab Loves
4. Kiran's Beauty Book
5. Saira's Beauty Lounge
6. Glitter Smitter
7. Marib's Blog
8. Numra Talks Makeup
9. A Girl Fancies
10. Cosmetique
11. RK's Beauty and Fashion Blog

OMG took me so long to come up with this list :o 

Now time to ask my 11 questions 

1. What book did you read recently?
2. Which movie have you seen recently?
3. What is your most favorite makeup product?
4. Who is your favorite Pakistani beauty blogger?
5. Which is your favorite shoe brand?
6. Which is your favorite clothes brand?
7. Share your worst shopping experience?
8. Share your experience of buying something and later finding it to be broken/defected?
9. What is the ultimate item on your wishlist?
10. What is your favorite color?
11. What is it that you do not like about yourself and would like to change?

Once again I would like to thank Samra for the nomination and will wait for the posts of all the bloggers tagged above. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. Hey thanks for tagging me and plz dear my blog name is Sparkling"Makeup " Blog Sparkling Sparkle is my pen name:) Wishes for u good to know more about u <3

  2. hey!!!thanks for your response and for putting up such an amazing post:),had fun reading and knowing more about you.xoxo

  3. Thankyou for tagging me, dear. LOVE mint margaritas too! :)

  4. Thanks for the Tag hun, I'm outspoken too:) and I applaud your for wanting to help the oppressed women!

  5. thanxx shinaaya fr the tag :) means alot to me


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