
WTF!!!: VLCC Skin Defense Wild Turmeric Face Wash

10:18 PM

Hi Beauties!

I would start off by saying that today's review is the most WHAT THE FUDGE (WTF) product I have ever used. Nefore this, it was Femina's eye liner for me but this face wash, seriously, is icing on top. You have gotten an idea what my feelings are, read further to find out about my experience. 

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

VLCC skin defence wild turmeric face wash comes nicely packed in a cardboard box and the cardboard box too sealed in a plastic wrap. Inside the box is a plastic bottle which is quite sturdy but also small enough to be carried around in hand bag. It comes in a 100 ml packing and is made in Dubai, UAE and has been certified from Germany. 

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

The bottle has a flip top lid which sometimes I find hard to open. Its a little hard and requires a more pressure than normal to flip open the lid. 

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

Here is a small quantity of the product, enough to wash my face thoroughly. Its mustard yellow in color more like turmeric color. The consistency of this face wash is okay, neither its thick like a gel nor its runny like water. The smell is a little sharp. For some reason it reminds me of anti septic Dettol. But it doesn't smell like Dettol however it has a pint of Dettol like smell somewhere in it. 

VLCC skin defense wild turmeric face wash

Now coming to my experience of this product, I purchased it in Winters and started using it immediately. My face became super dry, so much that my cheeks, laugh lines and forehead very patchy dry. There were blotches of dryness on my face and it looked like as if my face was a barren piece of land with dry patches from place to place. At first I couldn't figure out whats wrong with my skin, I thought may be its due to the cold weather the skin is getting dry naturally, but then it clicked me that it might be due to the new face fash. I stopped using it at once and my face went to normal self within a week or two. I didn't discard the product hoping it would be worth a try to use it in Summers to see how it works given that the skin gets oily. 

Almost 3 weeks back I started using this product again since its quite hot in Lahore already. Guess what happened? SAME!!! This time however its way worse. I have 5 pimples on my face, my face itches and there are dry patches. Along my laugh lines my skin is parched due to dryness and its red as well as if somebody punched me like somebody punches or slaps a girl in movies and just a red mark is left around the corners of the lips :p Everybody has been asking me whats wrong with my face. I used it only for a week and this is what has happened. Its been 2 weeks now that I have stopped using it and my face is recovering at a snail's speed. I hope I will get my face back :'( 

This product did not work for me at all, neither in Winters nor in Summers. I was expecting it to work in Summers since it dries the skin and what else do we wish for in Summers other that oil free face. But it seems it literally sucked the life out of my skin. This product is straight a way headed to the bin.Would I recommend it to anyone? Never! I purchased it from Enem for Rs 385. Hope you liked my review. Drop in your comments and share your views with me. I love reading your feedback. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. oh thats is a pity it didnt work for you.I had some hope from this face wash.Apply some glycerin at night after washing your face.It will help with the dryness and redness alot.You can also try aloe vera gel.It works wonders for broken,dry skin.Hope your skin heals quick.

  2. Hey! You know what? I had bought this face wash last summers. I have had the same experience as you mentioned above. I have combination skin and thought that it would suit me. In summers , Lahore is pretty hot and makes my skin super oily in T-zone Area. But this face wash so strong that it made my skin parched and dry even in summers in June, July. Its a big No-No. total waste of money. I would recommend you not to waste it. Use it in pedicures as liquid soap rather :) like I m still using it

  3. I feel you, I mean the horror knowing that your face is becoming a major target from such nuisance products. I have a very sensitive skin so Im very very choosy when it comes to buying anything for my face and frankly I have never heard of this product. Thanks to u will be staying miles away from it as well.

  4. Too bad it turned out to be this bad a product. I also fall for anything herbal and my experience has been 50/50~
    Thanks for the honest review. :)

  5. I'm so sorry to read what you had to suffer from . Seriously I'm up to anything herbal and handmade . But these days we can't trust anything . Hope you get your skin back

  6. sorry for ur worst experience... I like ur version of WTF...fudge!!!lolz

  7. Trying out a new face wash is just too major a step for me caz of my acne prone skin. Sorry about it messing up yours! Apply a very intense moisturizer and your skin will heal eventually.

  8. Your wtf posts are my absolute favourites. Sorry they are not in your favor though lol thank you for your honest reviews always. The only face wash that suits me in the summers especially when it comes to oil control is nutrogena pink grapefruit gel wash. Give it a try sometime

  9. i havent tried this brand.. and thank god i saw your review i would have definitely bought if when i see the words turmeric.


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