
Golden Rose Graffiti Nail Art

2:06 PM

Hi Beauties!

Here is another nail post for you lovely ladies. I am sure you are going to love this one.

So I have been trying really hard to find shatter/crackle nail colors in Lahore but without success for quite sometime. This Saturday I went to Al Fateh defence and there I spotted this graffiti nail polish by Golden Rose. At first I didnt notice that its actually a shatter polish. I read the instructions at the back of the box and you cannot imagine how excited I was to finally lay my hands on this baby.

So this is the cardboard packing of the nail color with instructions to applying it written on the back of the box.

These shatter polishes are available in several colors like pink, green, white and black. I got myself a black one only just to try out how it works. This is the result this nail colors gives out and I am sure it is similar to any other shatter polish.

On my first finger the effect is not so great reason being I followed the exact instructions mentioned on the box. It says to apply a layer only in the middle of the nail. But I found that applying in the middle results in shatter in the middle only, it does not cover the whole nail. In order to get a shattery effect over the whole nail you need to apply it on the whole nail and apply it real fast. These polishes are liquid but with a thick consistency and dry out ultra fast. By ultra fast I mean ULTRA FAST. It dries simultaneously when you are applying it so better be quick about it. Another thing I would like to mention here is to avoid using it under the fan or direct air flow as it dries out real fast and I am sure you would not want your shatter polish to dry out in its bottle before even getting the chance to flaunt it.

All you need to do is apply any nail color of your choice like I have applied Sunshine by Color Studio Professional. Let it dry out completely. Quickly apply a thin coat of Golden Rose Graffiti Nail color on the nails. It will dry our real fast. Then aaply a top coat over it to seal the shatter effect and also for a dazzling shine. Easy isn't it?

In short I am really pleased with the result of this Graffiti nail color by Golden Rose. I do not know whether this quick drying effect is also with other shatter polishes or is just only with Golden Rose. If anyone of you has some other brand shatter nail colors let me know if that is the case with them as well. Overall I would rate this product a 5/5 and would definitely buy it in other colors as well. I also recommend you to give it a try. I am sure you are going to love it.

Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. its pretty! im yet to try this :-D

  2. yes you should they are lovely

  3. omg.. thts really very wonderful discovery of urs.. ;) tell me that the top coat u mentioned is coat of tht shatter nailpolish or its jst plain nail color to give shine n cover??

  4. thankyou aima. Yes I am talking about the basic trasparent top coat that we commonly use over nail colors

  5. thank you so much for letting me know about this ..i will buy this in pink:)


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