
|Review|: Lakme' Perfect Radiance Fairness Face Wash

3:23 PM

Hi Beauties!

Today's post is about Lakme's fairness face wash from their Perfect Radiance line. This line I guess three products, a fairness day cream, fairness face wash and a fairness day lotion. I only got my hands on this fairness face wash.

Lakme perfect radiance fairness face wash

Lakme perfect radiance fairness face wash

What Does Lakme Claim:

• Fading away dark spots and blemishes
• Lightening Skin Color
• Helping even out skin tone
• Reducing Oiliness
• Fading away dullness
• Keeping tanning under control

Its gentle, deep cleansing action reveals skin that’s soft, bright and sparkling. For best results, top it up with the Day Cream or the Day Lotion for perfectly smooth, fair skin.

My Thoughts:

I found the packaging to be attractive. Its a very nice light pink colored 100 g tube. Squeeze the tube to make the face wash come out. Its a yellowish sort of cream and I didnot like its smell at all. Instead of smelling like lilly or sacred lotus it smells like some sort of antiseptics found in hospitals. So the smell was a complete turn off. When you rub it between your hands it turns like a white cream. It does not lather but takes the form of a soft cream. I massage my face with it for about a minute and rinse it off with water. I have been using it for quite sometime now and my tube is about to end. However I did not notice any improvement in my fairness or skin. Maybe it works better when backed up by the day lotion and day cream. It does washes off the dirt and grime on face and the face sure feels fresh and washed but after some time I feel the oil on my skin surfaces out again. I have a very dry skin but the harsh weather of Lahore makes my dry skin go oily in summers. So I definitely would not recommend it for girls with oily skins. I got this face wash from Hafiz cosmetics store for Rs. 180. Though it is affordable but its not going to do any wonders for you.

Lakme perfect radiance fairness face wash

Lakme perfect radiance fairness face wash - swatch

  • Affordable and cheap
  • Cute packaging
  • Freshens up skin

  • Does not smell good
  • Not suitable for oily skin

My Recommendation:

This face wash did not do any wonders for my skin. I have a dry skin but in this hot and humid weather my face oils up, it does wash the face but doen not control the face oil and neither did I notice any improvement in my fairness. So I would not recommend this product at all to anyone. Overall I would rate this product as 2/5 only for the packaging and price affordability.

Share your views with me if anyone of you has tried this product and let me know how was your experience with it...... Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. I guess three products, a fairness day cream, fairness face wash and a fairness day lotion. I only got my hands on this fairness face wash.
    Revitaderm Cream

  2. So how was ur experience with it Scott?


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