
Haul 3

7:53 PM

Hi Beauties!

Sorry for my long disappearance again. It gets so difficult at times to manage work and blogging at the same time. However I am back again with another interesting haul. Hope you will enjoy my buys.

1. Benefit (fake) eye liner in black
2. Boots whitening facial wash
3. Boots eye makeup remover gel
4. ck makeup face primer base
5. Pretty smooth nose pore strips
6. Avon loose powder in light medium
7. Quick Lady kajal sticks
8. Flormar Neon nail color in yellow
9. Rivaj uk Lipstick in shade 29
10. Loreal lipstick in Pink Lady
11. Tony & Teena lip pencils
12. M.A.C. (fake) travel size brush kit

Boots whitening facial wash in cucumber

Boots whitening facial wash in cucumber

Boots whitening facial wash in cucumber for Rs. 250 from Flormar outlet situated in Hyperstar Lahore.

Boots eye makeup remover gel

Boots eye makeup remover gel

Boots eye makeup remover gel for Rs. 225 from Flormar outlet located in Hyperstar Lahore.

Avon loose powder in light medium

Avon loose pwoder in light medium

Avon loose powder in light medium

Avon loose powder in light medium

Avon loose powder in light medium

Avon loose powder in light medium

Avon loose powder in medium light for Rs. 550 from a departmental store located in Barkat Market. I dont seem to recall the name of the departmental store.

CK whitening treatment makeup base

ck makeup face primer base for Rs. 1650 from Roop Singhar Liberty Markets.

Flormar super neon colors nail enamel

Flormar super neon colors nail enamel

Flormar Neon Nail Color for Rs. 175 from Flormar outlet in Hyperstar.

Replica benefit bad gal waterproof eye liner

Replica benefit bad gal waterproof eye liner

Benefit (fake) eye liner in black from Channel cosmetic store in Liberty Markets.

Prettysmooth nose pore strips

Prettysmooth nose pore strips

Prettysmooth nose pore strips

Pretty smooth nose pore strips for Rs. 160 I guess, dont remember the exact price. I got these from Hyperstar beauty section. There are 6 strips in the pack.

Quick Lady kajal sticks

Quick Lady kajal sticks

Quick Lady kajal sticks

Quick Lady Kajal box for Rs. 100 or Rs. 120. I dont remember the exact price. I got it from HKB Liberty Market. There are six small boxes in the pack containing match size kajal sticks. These are resuable and serve you for quite a period depending upon your frequency of usage.

Loreal lipstick in Pink Lady

Loreal lipstick in Pink Lady

Loreal Lipstick in Pink Lady number 124 for Rs. 550 from the departmental store located in Barkat market.

Tony & Teena lip liners

Tony & Teena lip liners

Tony & Teena lip pencils in light pink and nude brown from departmental store in Barkat Market. Its for Rs 85 each.
Rivaj Uk color fusion lipstick in # 29

Rivaj Uk color fusion lipstick in # 29

Rivaj Uk color fusion lipstick in # 29

Rivaj uk Lipstick in number 29 for Rs. 100 from Flormar outlet in Hyperstar. Its a pinkish sort of shade.

Replica MAC travel size brush set

Replica MAC travel size brush set

M.A.C. (fake) travel size 7 pieces brush set for Rs. 395 from HKB Liberty Markets.

Thats it girls. This was my recent haul. Hope you liked all the things. Let me know what you think. Share your comments with me. I'll be looking forward to reading your comments. Stay healthy and Beautiful. Take care!

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