My Goals for 2021
12:07 PMWhile compiling posts for year 2020, the idea to write about 2021 goals occurred to me. I do not believe much in resolutions and if anything 2020 has taught us, its that there is a bigger game at play and things may not go as per anyone's plan. Hence, no resolutions for me, just some goals to work upon in this year. I have tried to keep my goals as simple as possible to make them realistic and attainable. Here are a few things I have jotted down to work upon.
1. Be more consistent with blogging
I feel I have been lazing a lot towards blogging. if I sift through my old posts, I can see how passionate I was. I could manage to do more than 20 posts in a month. Now I struggle with posting 4 a month. I would attribute it to the increasing pressure of new apps like Instagram, Tik Tok, Snap chat and what not. All these apps are more or less linked to each other and you have to be active on one or the other, whichever is popular and that takes away the time to actually write. I have taken a vow to be more consistent with blogging and focus more on my niche, which is reviewing products.
2. Losing weight
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I am someone who has always been skinny. Up until 24 years of my life, Iv been a super skinny girl. Then I put on some weight which maybe categorized as healthy weight gain to fill me up. Since past 2 years, Iv gotten super lazy. I was a regular badminton player regardless of weather changes, be it scorching hot Summers or coldest Winters, I just had to play. Now I haven't played in two years and I have put on weight to an extent that I am easily overweight by 10 kgs. I'm finding it hard to stick to dieting routine. Basically I am struggling with establishing a healthy routine. Hopefully I shall get back on track soon within this year and lose some weight.
3. Financial Acumen
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Image courtesy: Qmee blog |
There is no denying that I am not a saver by any means. I am a spendthrift. I simply can not save no matter how hard I try. I may have some bucks left in my account after payment of bills and other mandatory expenses and I'd be thinking, "wow! I am doing well this month. I shall be able to save something this month." and poof! my bank account goes empty coz I end up ordering one thing or the other assuming that I'll manage to save something. Getting married has brought adulting responsibilities and I know it for a fact that if I won't save, I may end up in a financial crunch. Since January I have started to practice saving. I got myself a State Life insurance policy, I am actively taking part in an annual committee. I am taking out zakat, sadqa each month and also saving along for my state life policy's annual installment due in December. I plan on investing in stock exchange in coming months or maybe opt for bonds. Little steps, slow and steady, wins the race.
4. Be more organized
I am an established procrastinator. This is something my boss has identified each year for past 4 years. Last year I have worked on it and have improved a bit. This year I plan on pushing myself even further and try being more organized. I have my journals, planners printed and use them on frequent basis, especially for planning my blog posts. I also need to organize myself more at work and be at the top of my game if I want to get a promotion soon.
5. Use Phone less
I have developed the habit of mindless surfing. I remember the good old times when I was in university and still sleep at 9 pm after a tiring day. Can you imagine a university student sleeping at sharp 9 pm? This no longer stands true for toddlers even. I was very much in control of my phone usage and even had a stronger control in holding back while actively responding to people in late hours. Now, I am so used to my phone that I check WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram time and again mindlessly watching Facebook watch videos. Its a crazy addiction. One of my objectives this year is to use my phone less and utilize my time in more productive activities. Its going to be a tough one, I can tell already.
6. Read more
One thing I really regret about 2020 is that I couldn't read as much books as I should have. I set myself a challenge at the start of year 2020 to read a minimum of 14 books but I only managed 8 which is sad. I am someone who can easily finish off 2 to 3 books in a month but now due to excessive work load and long hours at work, I am so brain dead by the end of the day that I hardly have enough brain power left to read. I want to rectify this and read more this year. I have already managed to complete 2 books and its only February. Not too bad. Lets see how many books I finish this year, though Iv set my target at 14 books again.
This is it for my goals of 2021. Hope you can relate to them. Stay healthy and beautiful. xoxo!!!