
Oriflame Coconut and Ricemilk Shower Gel

11:13 PM

Hi Beauties!

Its been quite some time that I have not reviewed any Oriflame product. So I am going to do a quick review of their Coconut and Ricemilk shower gel.

Don't we all love those tantalizing fragrances in our bathrooms while showering? It feels great when the bathroom is full with the lovely smells and it creates such a strong aroma. Taking shower becomes fun! I bought this shower gel with the same hopes. Lets see how my experience went with this one. Coconut and Ricemilk shower gel comes in a transparent plastic bottle with 200 ml of content. It has a brown lid resembling the coconut shell color.

Its a smooth white liquid with a watery consistency. It isnt too runny. Its more like the consistency of a shampoo. The fragrance is mild and is nice if you are into coconuts.

Coming to my experience of it I found it to be an average product. I mean after using Bath & Body works shower gels, comparing this product makes it an average product. However it has its own standing. If you are looking for a pocket friendly shower gel then this is a really good product. It has the aroma of coconuts, the fragrance as such is mild and does not last long. One might enjoy the fragrance while taking bath but once you are done it disappears like within an hour. I would recommend using this product with a loofah or exfoliating gloves because it lathers really well with them otherwise I found it hard to lather. 

Overall I would say Oriflame Coconut and Ricemilk Shower Gel is a pocket friendly, daily to use shower gel and would rate it 3/5. I purchased it for Rs. 300 I think. You can buy it from Oriflame outlets in Lahore and Karachi or you can order it online though Oriflame consultants. There are so many of them on Facebook and some deliver at salons too, so you may check your salon as well. Hope you liked my review. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care! 

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  1. i loooove nice smelling products to shower with! i like every scent known to man, except coconut! ugh just runs off on me in the wrong way i guess

    1. I do not like to eat coconut at all but i am ok with the smell of it :P

  2. good review I have used Oriflame products but not a big fan of their products.

    1. I agree all their products are not a 100% but still I like this brand :)

  3. ooh woww seems interesting. Where can I get oriflame products from?

    1. Marib if you are in lahore you can buy them from their outlet its in garden town. the head office is in karachi or you can also buy from their consultants online


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