
Bourjois Khol and Contour Pencil in Rose Wine

8:22 PM

Hi Beauties!

Lipsticks and lip glosses are what we usually like to buy and use on our lips. Another substitute to lipstick known as lip pencil can also be used to color the lips. Lip pencils not only are used to define the lips or to make a boundary for lipstick or lip gloss but they can also be used as a substitute of lipstick itself. Today's post is on Bourjois Khol and contour pencil.  

Bourjois Khol & Contour Lip Pencil

I have not seen this pencil being sold officially by the Bourjois counters in cosmetic shops or departmental stores however I got mine from Chanel store in Liberty Market for Rs. 900. Its a 1.14 gms pencil in Rose wine - 13. Its not a normal sized pencil rather a thick broad one for which a broader sharpener is required. It comes capped with a silver cap. 

Bourjois Khol & Contour Lip Pencil in Rose Wine - 13

The pencil is quite pigmented. The swatch on the left shows the true color of the pencil with a single swipe. The right swatch on the other hand is a builded one with 3 swipes of the pencil. The pencil is truly matte. 

Left swatch - Swiped once, Right Swatch - Swiped thrice 

Without Clear Gloss

With Clear Gloss

I personally do not use the pencil without a clear lip gloss because I like glossy moisturized lips. Due to the matte nature of the pencil it lasts really long, it can easily stay up to 6 hours on the lips. With a gloss topping it, the gloss wears off after some time but the pencil stays put. I really like the lilac pink color it brings on to the lips, looks different from the normal, everyday pinks. Before applying this pencil, one needs to make sure the lips are not dry or chappy because that will highlight the flakiness over the lips and may cause trouble while applying on to the lips. So make sure your lips are moisturized and not cracked. Using a Vaseline or lip butter might help before the application of the pencil. I rate it 4.5/5 for its color, quality and staying power. 


  • You want something long lasting
  • You like matte lips 
  • You like more control over the application of lip products

  • You find it expensive
  • You have dry chapped lips
  • Do not like matte lips
  • Not a big fan of lip pencils 
Hope you liked my review. Do not forget to drop in your comments. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. I have this in a couple of shades. They're wonder.

  2. Such a different colour but really pretty anyways! Looks lovely on you!

  3. Thats a gorgeous color for your pout. xx

  4. this is such a lovely color i have it :)


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