
More Eyeshadows???

4:39 PM

Hi Beauties!

So I did another haul recently and this time I purchased something I had been after for like months. Read further to find out what I bought now.

Accessorize Lovely Day palette has been on my wish list for months now. I bought the You are everything palette first as it has a more variety of shades and I wanted to test out the quality of Accessorize Cosmetics at that time. As soon I got the palette and started using it, instantly it became my top favorite and I wanted to get my hands on Lovely Day palette too but unfortunately it got out of stock and just got restocked. My my, you have no idea how I had been craving for this one.

Accessorize Lovely Day Palette

Accessorize Lovely Day Palette

32 shades of Accessorize Lovely Day Palette

Compared to You are Everything palette this one has more neutrals and less color variety and most colors are same as the You are Everything palette. You can see my post on You are Everything palette here. But none the less I love this palette as much as the other one simply because its very travel friendly, light weight and pocket friendly. This palette is for Rs. 1500.

32 shades of Accessorize Lovely Day Palette

32 shades of Accessorize Lovely Day Palette

Although it was not my wishlist but some unknown temptation from somewhere made me buy this. I am not responsible for this purchase, it was some unknown urge :p But I seriously love this Sleek Bad girl palette. It has my favorite colors for doing a smokey eyes makeup. Blue and black eye combo makes me go oo la la!

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette
Sleek Bad Girl palette is for Rs. 1200 only.

Sleek Divine Bad Girl Palette
Ummm... Its better late than never I would say. I wanted to get my hands on this baby for I dont know how long but something always kept me from buying them, usually it was my lack of funds :p This time while placing an order for the above 2 items I found these stocked as well and I instantly bought one as I know they would run out of stock immediately and man I cant tell you what a fulfilled feeling I am getting after buying this lipstick.

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in raspberry Pie - 10
I bought Revlon Color burst Lip butter in raspberry Pie - 10 which is priced at Rs. 990.

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in raspberry Pie - 10

Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter in raspberry Pie - 10

As usual I bought all this stuff from Just4girls.pk since they are the only ones providing Accessorize cosmetics in Pakistan at the moment. No need to even state that my experience of shopping with them went excellent as it always does. Hope you liked my haul. Let me know your feedback. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!


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  1. awe... accessories palette is mouth watering lolz... nice haul

    1. yeah good wuality and pocket friendly palette is what i'd say for this one

  2. I am tempted...have to loot a bank to get every makeup product available in Pakistan:) esp the lip butter I feel deprived as I do not have one yet:/

    1. I can relate to the deprived feeling. I was feeling the same when I didnt have any and the blogoshpere was buzzing with its reviews

  3. Pure awesomeness Shinaya :D I love both palettes but Im strictly staying away from eye shadows as I have already collected too many palettes , and I absolutely love Lip Butter cant wait to get my 4 babies this december :D

  4. wow!!! plz review Revlon Lip Butter its my fav shade would love to see some swacthes from your end xoxo

  5. aoa shinaya! how u doing? ur work is great ma sha Allah!!!!!! <3
    shinaya! can i get accessorize bronzer from xinhua mall?
    kindly let me know
    thanks a lot


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