
Accessorize Summer Sale 2013

1:21 PM

Hi Beauties!

By now you must have realized, I simply love Accessorize and I super love their sales. This summer I kept myself in check and tried my best not to give in to temptations. I must say I succeeded very much since I did not buy a single thing this season and patiently waited for the sale. As soon as I read their facebook status, much thanks to my cousin who told me the sale is up, I rushed to Xinhua mall to take advantage of the sale. Here is what I got myself. 

Accessorize Summer sale 2013

My mum always dislikes carrying small fancy clutch bags on weddings where one can hardly put anything. She fusses over the small size of the clutch complaining nothing fits in. So this fancy woven zip case is actually for her. The box shaped zip case has quite some space and she can fit all her necessities she wants to stuff in. The case has an expensive and classy look to it and looks very elegant when held in hand. 

Boxy woven Zip case

Boxy woven Zip case

The inside of the bad has silk lining in brown gold or copper color.

Boxy woven Zip case - inner view

Boxy woven Zip case - close up of the woven design

The cut out design is on both sides of the wallet. The wallet has a leathery feel to it and is quite soft and handy to carry around.

Cut out wallet in Tan

Cut out wallet in Tan

Cut out wallet in Tan - inner view

This is a small size wallet. I love this vintage style. In fact I have already stuffed in my money and cards into this wallet. It seems I would be using this one for sometime now. 

Madge purse wallet

Madge purse wallet - back view

Madge purse wallet - inner view

Bobby butterfly holder

Bobby butterfly holder - inner view

Moustache Cuff

Neon Anklet
Now for the prices: 

1. Boxy woven zip case Rs. 2130
2. Cut out wallet in Tan Rs. 1450
3. Madge purse wallet Rs. 850
4. Bobby butterfly holder Rs. 770
5. Moustache cuff Rs. 680
6. Neon anklet Rs. 340

Hope you liked my haul. I shall keep on visiting Accessorize from time to time since they keep on adding new stuff to the sale till the sale stays up. Sun glasses, flip flops and handbags are also on sale in case you are wondering. Drop in your comments to share your views on my new purchases. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. Wow looks grt I wanted to buy that golden clutch thanks for sharing :)

  2. nice haul. The mustache cuff looks adorable ^_^

  3. Wallah Girl Lovely picks but "Mainuu Muccha'n wala choorra boht pasand aya aye"(punjabi) I mean mostache cuff :p <3 <3 <3

  4. aww the mustache cuff is so weirdly cute:)

  5. Cute haul! The pink wallet is my favorite :)

  6. hey the butterfly one is gorgeous :)Great stuff u bought :)

  7. haha i guess all mothers are same. my mama always wants a huge purse or atleast one that she can carry easily. love your shopping

    im a new blogger so i would love some support. following you =)

  8. wow you really bagged the deal witht he woven clutch.saw it at splurge for 3500pkr .love the haul


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