
Haul from RIOS

6:06 PM

Hi Beauties!

A few days back I went for grocery shopping at Hyperstar and whenever I go there I never miss the chance to visit RIOS, a small independent outlet that stocks Flormar, Rivaj Uk and several other brand items. They have lingerie collection as well including Turkish brands, some Thai brands and local stuff. Although I had no plan to buy anything at all but I ended up buying a few items. Read further to find out what I purchased. 

Double ended comb, Flormar matte nail polishes, Purederm nose pore strips

Here is a list of things I purchased along with their prices.

1. Double ended comb by Scucini Rs. 60
2. Flormar matte nail colors Rs 295. each
3. Purederm aloe nose pore strips pack Rs. 145

Purederm nose pore strips pack

This I suppose is a new packaging for purederm nose pore strips because I used to buy the cardboard pack that contained 6 strips. This new plastic pack contains 3 strips. At first I wasn't even willing to trust the salesman that it is the original purederm nose pore strips pack but he showed me purederm written and with a doubtful heart I did purchase them. They turned out to be original by their performance ;)

Flormar matte nail enamels
 These colors looked so tempting and different from the regular shades that I just couldn't help myself and bought four of these. Although I am not regretting buying them as their performance is very satisfactory. I am not mentioning the shades here will do that in the review post. 

Scucini double ended comb
That is it for my small unintentional haul. Hope you liked the items I purchased. Drop in your comments to let me know. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. lovely haul! i have used the purederm nose strips and loved it! its paraben free yeah!!

  2. lovely picks:) do share review about the Aloe nose strip:)

  3. Grt haul!Waiting for their review and price is resonable too

  4. do let us know how the matte shades look on your nails! great picks:) x

  5. Oh yes, i randomly visit their shop in jan, n spent more than 5000 there :(

    Great pickups, in first look i thought they are flormar eyeliners, but alahsss they are nail paints.... :P


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