
PBBC Beauty Bloggers Eid Swap

9:00 PM

Hi Beauties!

The mere idea of receiving gifts is enough to excite someone and make one anticipate what one would be getting as gifts. Same happened to me when PBBC's second swap was announced. The idea of this secret swap is to send fellow beauty bloggers gifts without revealing your identity. The owners of Pakistani Beauty Bloggers Community (PBBC) paired up beauty bloggers in such a way that one did not know who would be sending them gifts and the blogger had to guess who sent them. 

I did not take part in the first secret swap however after its success I was very much tempted to take part in this one and I do not regret it at all. The bloggers were given out a form where we had to fill our wishlist maintaining a budget of Rs. 2000. The partner blogger had to sent gift items keeping in mind the wishlist of fellow blogger. 

Here are the goodies I received:

  • Body shop sweet lemon set
  • Lakme iconic kajal
  • Essence XXXL lip gloss in
  • Earings

My secret swapper also sent me a beautiful note which made me wonder all the more who it must be :)

The body shop sweet lemon set

I have already started using the Body shop set and am in love with the body scrub. I opened the kajal today and would start using it tomorrow. As for the earings I have worn them ocassionally and I loved them. They are very light weight and pretty. As for the lip gloss, I am zipping my lips, so not going to slip a word about it. You have to find out my experience with it in my review. 

Lakeme eyeconic kajal

Essence XXXL shine lip gloss


Finally to reveal the name of my secret swap partner, it was, Areej Usman of Areej Usman's Blog. I am so grateful to her for sending me such lovely goodies. I loved each and everthing I received. It was so kind of her to send me items from my wish list. It means a lot to me. In this busy life it takes a lot to take out time for someone and shop for things of one's choice which Areej obviously did. Finally hats off to PBBC for coming up with such a bright idea that they arranged the swap right before Eid so that these gifts can become beauty bloggers Eid gifts. All in all it was a fun filled activity with much anticipation and excitment among the girls. I hope PBBC would keep on coming with such more activities in future. Last but not the least, reviews are sure to come soon. Stay healthy and beautiful. Take care!

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  1. Hey dear.Thanks fr the sweet words.It was fun picking the stuff for u:)
    I hope the gloss turned out good fr u as its recenly launched.
    PS i want to see a review on the Kajal too :)

  2. Wow... great stuff, so waiting fro reviews :)

    Hugs <3

  3. Wallaahh Lemon set is the bestie :)

    love the handwriting Areej :)

    Nida's Beauty Bag!!


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