My Goals for 2022

5:17 PM

After miserably failing in my goals for 2021, I am back with new goals for this year. You got to appreciate me for my persistence in establishing goals. Here are a few ideas for this year's goals. 

1. Rest whenever, wherever 

After the baby, resting is my number 1 priority. As any other new and first time mom, I am not getting enough rest. And I am penning it down mildly. I feel, someone is stealing my time. I hardly get to breathe at work and when I am back home, my time is allocated to the baby. I manage to get a few home chores done but thats not an every day occurrence. Mostly, its me and the baby and the lying around as I am exhausted by day end. I attribute it to the birth trauma as well. Physically I don't feel 100%. Heck I don't even feel 80%. I have come to understand that it takes time to get back into shape and, normal health after the body has been through such a big trauma. But to cut it short, I need more rest. My weekends are the worst. I have house help, she works full day along with me and by the end of the day, the two of us can't seem to manage to get everything done.

2. Skill Development 

Apart from my work, I have made it a habit to learn something new each year, be it a cuisine or other skill. At the end of 2021, I opted for a 3 months intermediate level Graphic designing course. I completed the certification, however did not get around to practicing as soon afterwards, I delivered. I plan on practicing this newly acquired skill. I might not opt for anything new this year around rather develop and practice, content writing and graphic designing. 

3. Buy Less

To break my habit of excessive buying, I devised a way to monitor my usage rather than hoard on stuff. Last year every month, I posted about the products I finished in a particular month. This helped me in curbing my urges to buy and also monitor my consumption. This year, I am going to expand the magnitude of this approach and try to buy less of everything. By everything I mean clothes, shoes, makeup and other tids bids I randomly purchase.

4. Consistency 

One thing I have identified about myself is that I am not consistent at all. I start a project and I never get down to delivering it. God knows how I manage at work but somehow I am doing a good job at work and not personally. Like I don't blog with consistency. I don't take medicines consistently. I can't seem to pray with a routine or follow skin care routine. This is a serious issue, and I plan to work on it. 

5. Investments 

Last year, it was about developing the habit to save. This time around its about investing. I want to be able to generate multiple income pools and not rely on one source of income. 

6. Praying 

I realize that I am far from being a Muslim when it comes to practicing religion in terms of praying. I really need to get on with my namaz. I keep on putting it off for tomorrow, day after tomorrow, after Ramadan, after something and what not but never really get around to being consistent. The guilt eats me inside out. I really want to get consistent with my prayers this year and also to set example for my kid.

7. Me - time 

Most important of all - Me time. anything and everything that makes me happy. Could be cooking, baking, blogging, shopping or dining out, meeting friends or walking in the park. I am going to try to have more of Me - time even after the baby.

8. Spill over of last year 

Picking up from left over goals of last year, I am going to try to be a regular reader, blog with consistency and use less phone. 

So these are a few ideas for this year's goals. I hope I can prove to act upon them with consistency this year around. Have you established any goals for this year? I would love to hear about your goals and plans. Drop in your comments. Stay healthy and beautiful. xoxo!!! 

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